Q: Why should I appoint my own Loss Assessor / Professional Adviser ?
A: In the event of a major fire , storm, flood or any other type of event, your insurance company in all cases will appoint a firm of Loss Adjusters or other professionals to advise them.
Any such event will be very traumatic to you and your family, Chaparral Consult will alleviate this stress, and will ensure that you receive all that you are entitled to in the most efficient and stress free way possible.
Should you so require we can additionally organise and supervise the complete restoration of your property to it's pre -loss condition.
Q: When should I contact Chaparral Consult ?
A: Immediately following the occurrence of the incident giving rise to the claim, contact Chaparral Consult. Your Insurer will appoint their Loss Adjuster immediately, and to ensure the best service, the earlier you are represented the better. If you contact us first we will deal with reporting the claim and liaise completely with your insurers and/ or their representatives.
Q: Which type of claims do you manage ?
A: We primarily deal with, fire, flood, burglary and business interruption claims. We do not cover personal injury or car incidents.
Q: What will the claim cost me ?
A: Assessment of your loss is on a no win no fee basis, and the standard fee is a small percentage of the final claim, payable only on settlement. There are no other hidden charges for outlay or any other fees.
If you avail of our property restoration services, a separate contract will be drawn up and each individual contract will have it's own terms depending on the individual loss being dealt with.
Q: What happens if you survey my property and I am not covered ?
A: In the unlikely event that the reported incident is not for some reason covered by the terms of your policy, our initial survey and introductory meeting is free of charge. We will advise you what to do next.